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    Are your patients hesitant about getting a COVID-19 vaccine?

    The Vaccine Hesitancy Guide supports better clinical conversations about vaccines. It identifies common types of vaccine hesitancy clinicians may encounter. Reviewthe hesitancy types to help identify the sources of your patients’ hesitancy and find advice from fellow clinicians on how to address them.
    For an overview of how to use the guide, visit theaboutpage.
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Who We Are
The Vaccine Hesitancy Guide was developed by a team of researchers out of the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy.We assembled the Guide’s content out of interviews and conversations with primary care clinicians.
Myles Leslie portrait
Myles Leslie
Dr. Myles Leslie, PhD is an Associate Professor at the School of Public Policy. He is a qualitative action researcher working at the point of health policy implementation and alongside practitioners to identify solutions that can work. Dr. Leslie brings a range of international experience in healthcare ethnography to the study and co-design of primary care quality improvement efforts.
Raad Fadaak portrait
Raad Fadaak
Dr. Raad Fadaak, PhD is a Research Associate at the School of Public Policy. He has an extensive background in qualitative health research, including research on pandemic preparedness, global health security, and the COVID-19 response in Alberta, Canada.
Nicole Pinto portrait
Nicole Pinto
Nicole Pinto, MPH is a Research Associate at the School of Public Policy. She received her master’s degree in public health in 2019 at the University of Guelph. Prior to joining the team, Nicole worked on homeless health research in Canada, and international health advocacy for older adults.

Media Coverage

The Guide has been featured in a number of publications including Global News Edmonton, CBC News Calgary, the Calgary Herald, The Globe and Mail, among others.

Look at Our Media Coverage
Global News article
Calgary Herald article

